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What I can do

My cv can seem to be of someone who just can't figure out what they want to do. Design? Photography? Coding? Research? Coaching? Writing? Teaching? The rabbit hole du jour? The truth is: I want to do all of them. I really tried to find my thing, but I finally found peace acknowledging that my thing is all of the things.

If you look closely, though, there's a thread running through. Storytelling is the very obvious, albeit resulting one. Because where it all starts is in what I call the problem-setting: I love, love getting to the bottom of something, and then working my way up again: connecting dots, recognising patterns, seeing strategies, applying creatively, sharing insights.

Focus areas

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My process

The secret about my process is that there never really is one... There's no process, framework, methodology that fits all. Every project starts anew and I have to figure it out & adapt as I go. But the first step is always believing in the why, what, who surrounding the problem. From there, it's mostly about partnership and constant questioning.

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